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One of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, service to sell to local businesses is claiming, optimizing, and ranking Google My Business pages. There are still tons of businesses out there who haven’t even claimed their pages, much less optimized them and tried to get them ranking in the 3-pack. You can build an entire business just doing this one thing!
My buddy Mo Taqi runs a company that does exactly this, among other things. He’s just launched a new training product that shows you exactly how to build a real businesses doing this stuff. The training comes with some pretty nifty software that will find unclaimed pages for you. All you have to do is to email the lead Taqi’s proven, high-converting email, and watch the clients come find you wanting your service. I highly recommend this product! Get it today!
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Effective Sales Page
How is your salespage? Did you know that a bad sales page leads to lost sales and reduced profits? …VALUE $57

Hosting Teleseminars
What If There Was A Way To Get People To Know About Your Brand Or Product Without Having To Spend Millions Of Dollars On Marketing? Change Your Life In A Matter Of Minutes! …VALUE $57

Social Media Marketing Scene
Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Website! …VALUE $57

Utilize And Profit From Private Label Rights Material
Has Success Been Evading You? Have You Been Wondering How You Can Leverage The Power Of The Internet? What If There Was A Way Of Making Money With Low Investment? …VALUE $57
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